Re: How are you restoring hardware, springs, hinges etc
I use various methods depending on the part or the bolt application. I recently brought a set of exhaust manifold bolts back to life soaking them in a product called Evapo-Rust for a couple of days. I use various acid solutions such as Phosphoric Acid to convert rust into a sandable black compound called iron Phosphate. I use diluted solutions of Muriatic Acid to clean rust from various parts and nuts and bolts that are going to get plated, or polished. A wire wheel on a bench grinder is priceless for restoring nuts and bolts followed usually with a coating of WD-40 (silicon) to prevent rust once cleaned. Inside of fuel tanks get Oxalic Acid, rinsed, and then dryed with heat guns and compressed air before coating with a liner such as Kreem or Por-15. I dont use liners but use a lot of WD-40 and WD-40 "Specialist Corrosion Inhibitor"...A good old school hardware store with nuts and bolts in various grades and types of metals such as stainless steel is invaluable. Never use phosphoric acid in a fuel tank because the iron phosphate will clog screens and filters consequently clogging jets in the carb. I use it liberally to spray on bed rust before primer and paint. I found that many wheel cleaners are a mild acid solution that works great for nut and bolt or parts cleaning.
Michael of the clan Hill,
"Two Seventy Two's"
71 1-ton Dually 350 4-Speed
71 C/50 Grain Truck, 350 Split-Axle 4-Speed
02 3/4 ton Express
14 Indian Chief Vintage
1952 Ford 8N, "Only Ford Allowed On The Property" 
"Be American, Buy American"