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Old 01-11-2018, 12:19 AM   #21
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Re: Project High School Reunion

The sander works really good, that was both sides of the hood. It is kinda spendy.

If it is factory paint, it peels it off really fast.

This had the factory paint, a earl shieb quickly paint, and I painted it in 92-3.

So I had many layers of paint to go through.

I actually had the other panels media blasted and epoxy primed,
Because I have had too much work.

I do have the paint stripper discs for the angle grinder. It is faster, but really heats up the metal.

So I use the Eastwood sander on the large flat spots, the the angle on the hard to reach and curved areas.

A 7” variable speed sander/buffer with 80 grit is just about as fast as the Eastwood. With the cheap ones one eBay, you can have the tool an discs for around 100.00.
Either way it is labor and messy.

Last edited by Nh4clo4; 01-11-2018 at 12:21 AM. Reason: Typo
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