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Old 01-11-2018, 03:24 PM   #30
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Re: Needed a diff, coming home with a 90 R20

Originally Posted by Ski-me View Post
The 89' will be cable driven speedo. 90 and 91 are the electronic can tell the electronic ones as they have extra tick marks for the numeric speeds.

But, you can convert the 89' to electric with some work. Just not a lot of usable parts going the other way. I took the tailshaft off a 90-91 tcase, the pickup sprocket and installed on my 89 tcase. Then ran wires up to dash, repined cluster and done.
Dang it. My wife's truck is a 91 v1500 Burb with a 700r4/241c and I have not been able to figure out a way to test the components to track down the problem.

Basically, the Speedo some times works, sometimes under throttle it will work and then not when off. Other times,it works vice versa. It causes the lockup to not function.

I repaired a damaged ground wire that piggy backs to the intake and it worked flawlessly for 8 months. It is now back to its inconsistency.

I have replaced the speed sensor on the t- case and repaired/replaced a good amount of the brittle harness from the sensor up past the bellhousing.
No change.

I was hoping to swap out the problematic 700r4, with a th400.

Guidance on repair or swap?
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