Thread: 72 C20 Project
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Old 01-14-2018, 01:29 PM   #3
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Re: 72 C20 Project

The first real work I did was some basic cleanup and trying to get the motor to run. The engine bay had been invaded by rodents- the truck was sitting in the woods for about eight years before I bought it- so I got a leaf blower and a shop vac, and got most of the mess out of the engine. I replaced the air cleaner, checked out and repaired the wiring, changed the fluids, including the gas you can see below in the bucket, and repaired the chewed up wires in the HEI distributor. I oiled the cylinders with clean 10w-40, then put everything back together. After putting in a new battery and filling the carb fuel bowl with fresh gas, the truck started very easily, although it was smoking from the oil in the cylinders and on the headers.
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72 C20 Custom, Long Bed, 350 / 4 Speed Manual. "Trash Truck"
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