Thread: 72 highlander
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Old 01-14-2018, 06:06 PM   #9
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Re: 72 highlander

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
Since I believe you're asking for opinions, I'll give one (but you're right thehata, in the end, it all comes down to personal preference. This is a good place to shop for ideas though, we're full of em)
First of all, nice truck! I'm a big Highlander fan, just sold one and miss it already As Tim noted, rallies aren't original. But yes, they do look great on this era truck. Concur with 67swb, I'd go with blackwalls with a taller tire, or, at least raised white letters if you're gonna stick with rallies. Consider just how good a set of white steelies with caps would look though.. I'm real interested to see your SPID. If a package truck, it may have come with PA1s originally. Be glad they're long gone, they're not many peoples' cup of tea. If PO3s originally, then that might be a very attractive combo to return to with a white steelie. Just mentioning, am pretty sure you have your mind made up on the rallies, and that's cool, they do look good. If you repaint, I would definitely stick to the stock color combo, it's a good one. Would like to see more pics when you get a chance. Welcome to the board Seth. Shown below are the PA1 (from Highlander package trucks), PO1 full wheel cover, and PO3 hub cap (3/4 ton shown, but 1/2 looks same just a little smaller). My favorite is the PO3 for some reason, but I really like the PO1s also. I'd really only re-install PA1s if doing a full fledged resto on a truck that had them originally, and even though I'd have a hard time doing it. Just me though.
Thanks for the info man, I really appreciate it and I may have just changed my mind on my wheels. I'll attach a picture of my SPID . Then could you show or send me a picture of what were on there?
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