Originally Posted by andyh1956
Do your lights operate properly all the time?
Reason I ask I had a truck that the electrical would go haywire sometimes. Long story short the ground circuit from the dash cluster was bad. I spliced in a new ground to the wire in the dash cluster plug & grounded it on a steering column bolt & everthing went to work & has been working ever since.
I'm going to check that first. My dash lights are working as well as my turn signal indicators. And my oil pressure gauge was working yesterday prior to me pulling the cluster forward to change out cluster bulbs. I'm going to pull the whole cluster from the dash and clean everything and check the ground as see what happens.
I pulled my cluster out this evening. Took the gauges out and cleaned all the contacts. Took an eraser to the copper fins that lay across the overlay where the connector plugs in as well. Still nothing. Plugged it back in, turned the ignition on and the needles shot over to the right on both the oil pressure and the fuel gauges. Could the pinch connectors that connect the circuit card to the post on the gauges not be making good contact with the circuit card?