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Old 01-16-2018, 10:16 AM   #1
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Fires Shakedown Run (Smashing the Bugs)

Yesterday morning I jumped in the 72 and took her out for on her first shakedown run (High Anxiety). The truck ran and rode surprisingly well. The only real issues were the left turn signal won't self cancel and the speedometer cable needs to be replaced. Then I decided to drop her off at the muffler shop for a new dual exhaust system. Around noon I got a message to call the shop. I called back and the owner told me that both exhaust manifolds were breaking right at the flange bolt holes. (They didn't look bad when I put them on the engine but who knows) He welded them up as good as possible just to get me home. I got home and ordered both manifolds, Speedo cable, and turn signal switch. And now my question: Does anybody know what puller to use on the turn signal housing to remove the switch? The original tool was a GM J-22708 puller which went the way with the last dinosaur. I'm thinking maybe Harbor Freight??

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