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Old 01-16-2018, 02:31 PM   #8
Devil Pup
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Re: 06 5.3 Loud tick Lifter?

Might be a little late but if you're still working on it I'll give you my experience. My brother has a 2010 Yukon Danali with the 6.2 in it with DOD. My sister in law was driving it when it happened so I'm not sure if it had a drop in oil pressure but it developed a very loud tick as you're describing. We pulled the head on the passenger side of the motor and found two dead lifters. replaced and put back together. same noise. pulled the motor and dug deeper thinking the worst. Turned out that the cam had delaminated and a chunk was missing. replaced the cam and reassembled the motor. been fine since.

If you wanna check the cam, take a ratchet and spin the motor over by the crank. Ours had a catch that would stop the rotation. thats when we knew it was something serious. Might not be the same on yours but its something more to check if you're still hunting.
Lifted 2wd 1969 C20/ 5.3LS/4L60E :
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