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Old 01-18-2018, 04:38 AM   #8
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Re: #minijimmygmc Wifey's 1990 K5 Jimmy rebuild

So now that gets us to last summer, got the truck insured and driving (albeit in 2WD only - but it's going to be a mall crawler anyhow lol)

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And with the top off after installing 1 1/4" wheel spacers on the rear to get rid of some of the "tucked in" look (which I hate - I understand why it was done, but I hate the look)

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and one shot with the wife's summer only car - 1969 Ford Falcon sport coupe
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Views: 1808
Size:  73.4 KB

So after a couple thousand kilometers over the summer, some changes needed to be made....... I'll post some more about those soon.
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