Thread: 72 C20 Project
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Old 01-20-2018, 11:39 PM   #12
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Re: 72 C20 Project

Today I got the new drum brakes installed. They're 13 by 3.5 inch brakes from a 1 ton van, with new springs and wheel cylinders. I went ahead and re-used the old brake pads, as new ones were pretty expensive, and the old ones still had plenty of friction material left. My guess is the van they came off of had a fresh brake drum before the owner gave up and sold it to the junkyard. I also got new parking brake cables. I'll need to fabricate some sort of adapter to connect them to the existing system, but it looks pretty simple. These should provide a good increase in stopping power though, and parts for 14 bolt brakes are a lot easier to find than parts for Eaton brakes.
72 C20 Custom, Long Bed, 350 / 4 Speed Manual. "Trash Truck"
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