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Old 01-21-2018, 11:20 AM   #7
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Danville Wv
Posts: 267
Re: GMC build "Burr"

Well got to work on the truck this weekend. Got the oil changed valve cover seals, removed old floor mats. Also put some rislone in for the engine inside the valve covers some gunk built up figured that might help clean them up. Also removed the bench seat foam and walmart seat cover P.O. had installed, need to seat for sure foam is too far gone. While I was tearing apart the inside I tackled the alarm system the P.O. had installed in the 80's. Pulled everybit of 50 feet of wire out of the truck that was put in for the alarm system. Took about hour and a half to chase each wire down because I wasnt for sure what went where. While chasing these wires down I found a stray brown wire behind the seat and just for kicks I attached it to a brass nipple on the gas tank and the guage started moving!! It rolled over to E then I took it off and put it on again and it rolled over to almost F which I think is correct after I put a stick in and saw the gas line on it. Checked all the fuses look good but bought some extra at walmart last night. Attached the new radio antenna but still no static nothing kinda upset thought it would be a easy fix any thoughts? Hope to bleed breaks and put new shoes on when I come home next time and get the seat off to a upholstery shop and the truck off to my metal man to put outer floors, inner/outer rockers and cab corners in. Ill get pic posted later of the old alarm system mess. Any input on the radio and gas gauge would be appericated.
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