Originally Posted by PGG
4x4 very little mostly city but i want the gain noticeable HP and Torque and last past my life.
Thanks PG
I was just at this crossroads.
Well the link you posted didn't work, the page was unavailable?
So I don't know if you are looking for a small block or a big block.
My limited experience has made me appreciate keeping it clean and simple. If you are going big block, you can have a real nice torque monster that will be a turn key motor without constant tinkering. ( I was on a budget that did not allow for this, I wanted to go this route with a built overdrive auto trans)
If it is a small block, go with a 383. If you are already buying a rotating assembly then it is a no-brainer. Forged lower end? Unless you are spending a lot of time above 5,000 rpms I would go with a cast rotating assembly. Save the money for EFI, heads or a tranny rebuild to go with the new motor.
I went and tallked to about 3 or 4 shops that had a reputation for high performance motors. Every one of them wanted an arm and a leg for a long block 383, with zero customer service. I finally found an older fella that had a small shop and he was willing to take the time to work with me on what I wanted. (Find the older fella with the small shop)
If you are looking at high end heads, talk to your builder first - they will have input. I love the AFR 195's, but the Brodix IK200 for almost $700 less makes it hard to buy AFR. If you can swing it, get bare castings and have the builder assemble the heads... he will make sure they are right since his name is on them. I went with summit bare castings.
This is just my uneducated 2-cents.
Good luck sir, I hope you are happy with whatever you decide.
Lol, and fingers crossed mine runs and does not implode on startup.