Suburban tailgate area - paint breaks and details
This post is in response to a PM from another who is working on a restoration of his Suburban. His inquiry was related to factory paint breaks and details around the rear opening.
I decided to post here for two reasons;
(1) my mail server presently is preventing any out going mail for some technical reason.
(2) I've always wondered about what appears to be factory slop in the form of various overspray, glue drops, and poor/wavy masking on the two-tone areas. Way back when I did the pre-purchase inspection on this truck, I asked another member/collector about his Subs and how they looked back there. His response, if I recall correctly, was that all of his original paint Subs showed the same lack of quality on the details. In other words, the factory just blew the paint on in a hurry with some hardware already attached and little regard for neatness. Hard to believe I know, but I think it's true. Some details look much like a quick lousy repaint, but there are ZERO signs of any paint on any of the original window rubber or gate weatherstripping. Also present on my truck is the original paper positraction sticker placed on an interior panel, which also shows no signs of a repaint around it.
Check these pictures out and those of you with ORIGINAL PAINT trucks can chime in on how/if yours is different from mine.
Wild guesses and pics of restored trucks will be of no value here. Just sayin.