Thread: notch depth
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Old 01-29-2018, 04:41 PM   #4
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Re: notch depth

Originally Posted by Duncan K View Post
I'm looking for a 5.5, 7 drop overall. The 2" block, 5" drop spring makes more sense. I just measured and I have 10 1/2" from the top of the diff to the bottom of the floor, with a 7" drop that's only gonna leave me 3 1/2" of suspension travel. Is that going to be enough?

LV, how well do those bags hold air? How often do you have to adjust them?
I am looking into notching my frame as well, but I'm just going to use a standard bolt in notch. In the process of figuring things out, I determined that under normal driving conditions I have 2.5" of travel in the rear. My drop springs (like pretty much all of them) aren't really meant for hauling stuff so even a couple hundred pounds puts me on the bump stops.
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