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Old 01-31-2018, 07:08 AM   #4
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Bushwood, MD
Posts: 510
Re: rear window trim ?

So I've been chasing the issue "why doesn't aftermarket windshield trim fit" for a long time? So - I have 2 sets of oem windshield trim, placed them next to the aftermarket trim, and guess what. The curvature on the aftermarket crap is nowhere close to the oem trim. Especially on the upper long piece! If I knew how to post pics it would be very easy to see why the aftermarket crap continues to be such a nightmare for everyone. With the way it's formed, there is no way it will flex to get it to fit properly.

You can see easily what I'm talking about by taking the long upper piece and placing it on the cab where it goes (before seal and windshield are put in place). No wonder it doesn't work!!!

I've compared the 67-70 trim, 71-72 trim both aftermarket and oem and the results are the same!

Don't waste your time and money. Find the oem trim...
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