Thread: Is It Just Me..
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Old 01-31-2018, 03:38 PM   #3
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Re: Is It Just Me..

Originally Posted by leddzepp View Post
What do you need to remove the tunnel for
I only removed mine for restoration, then it was put back and hasn’t moved since. It’s not a part that needs to be removed routinely. I have no idea what the engineers were smoking, but it’s pretty obvious what the assembly line was smoking when these trucks were put together
Well it's true that one might not need to remove the tunnel frequently but I am working on a speedometer gear set for an NV4500 which requires I access it regularly as I work on it. Also, it very convenient to be able to remove the fill plug from above and fill the trans through the shifter hole while watching the level at the plug. Then there's access to the front u-joint through the tunnel cover also and including the top cover of the trans, that's a lot of things which could or should be easily accessible. Working on any of those things, should not also require working on the front seat.
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