Where to get outer bottom seat springs?
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01-31-2018, 05:19 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Colorado Springs
Posts: 129
Re: Where to get outer bottom seat springs?
Well here it is. Buy two feet of no sag zig-zag spring. Extra for if you screw up. . Cut off about 6 inches of it and leave a little hook on the end to keep it in the clip and the frame. Use a cut off wheel or bolt cutters. Don’t stand on either end of it to flatten it out so you can fit the cutoff wheel in. It will let go like hell when you cut through it. Ask me how I know. Slide one end into the slot on the frame. Use your man strength to bend the other end over to where the old spring was attached. Get it close and use some vice grips to hold the end of the springs together where you're gonna put the clip. Clamp on a clip with some pliers. Whammy. No more butt sag. Now mine doesn’t feel perfect cause my foam is shot but at least I’m not leaning hard to the left when I sit on it.
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