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Old 01-31-2018, 08:35 PM   #98
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Re: What is unique about your truck?

I built a 24 x36 garage specifically for mine 2 years ago. Site conditions and some rookie errors have come back to haunt me. If I had it to do over again I would have opted for 18' wide rollup door instead of 16' Going 30' wide instead of 24' and reducing ventilation to a minimum would have been nice as well. . 18' door would ease access problems in both pulling in two vehicles side by side (and opening doors while in the garage). Having another 2' on either side would be great for tool/parts storage. I also would have opted for all LED shop lights instead of florescent. If i could enclose the work area i could use a stove to heat the area on cold winter/rainy days. I added over ventilation having come from a very hot climate and didn't think.

I did have foresight to add a rain drip ledge in the floor under the rollup and a full 8' door for clearance. The 36' depth does allow large vehicles to pull in far enough for access all the way around and enough room at the back for tools and stuff. Liberal outlets on walls and ceiling are good as well as a 220 outlet for welding/compressor AND to carefully use for an emergency generator. Wireless alarms are a comfort too.
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