Torque Confusion
So I recently replaced the rear control arms, springs, and shocks on my 68 c10. I am confused about what torque settings to use. I have a FSM. In the instructions for control arm replacement it says the U-bolts should be torqued to 200 Ft-lbs. In the back of the manual the in the torque spec chart it shows 215 ft-lbs. I do have auxiliary springs, and under that section the instructions show yet a different value of 270 ft-lbs. I currently have them torqued to 200 as that is as far as my torque wrench goes. Do I need to find/borrow one that goes to 270? I have found other instances of this. I almost ruined one of my shocks as the instructions say to use 135 ft-lbs, but in the back it says 75 which I believe is accurate.
On the note of torques, I plan on pulling the aux springs off next to paint them. The manual shows a whopping 370 ft-lbs for the single mounting bolt. The factory used a castle nut with a cotter pin. If I even had a torque wrench capable of the 370 ft-lbs, my gut tells me the bolt would not hold that. What have others done? Thanks,