Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Nice find, that truck cleaned up pretty well. Great work on the cab too. That is a really cool old barn too! That's nice to see you were able to haul the tractor for your uncle too. Get any more tractor on there and the truck may need a 2nd axle. 
Thanks! It still needs a lot of work but its coming together. I am planning on installing a set load lifter airbags on the rear. I have also been contemplating installing a dana 80 with disk brakes at some point.
So last week I went to the junkyard everything was 50% off my plan was to pick up a newer c30 front suspension with disk brakes. However I left a few tools I needed to remove the suspension. So I ended up picking up a hydrobooster, a spare wheel and tire and Dual electric fans.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
So yesterday since I was not able to pick up the front suspension at the junkyard. I had come across a guy parting out a 75 c30 with the JB8 brake system. I only wanted the control arms out. The guy said he would uninstall them that I could pick them up the next day for $150, however he was two and a half hours away. So since I was just picking up the control arms out I decided to take the wagon as It gets better gas mileage. So I get there and the guy had cut the front of the frame off instead of removing 14 bolts and cutting the brake lines. I now the frame and the front suspension are on the ground and its super muddy and there is no way to lift it up with just the two of us. The sun is going down and there is no way to remove the suspension as I did not bring my tools and he did not have what was needed to remove the control arms. Thankfully he offered to deliver it for gas money however there was still Know way for up to lift it up as is. We ended up backing his truck into a ditch and using a quad to drag it into the back of his truck. That said 9 hours later it was finally home With a few extra bits.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
So today I started tearing it down it looks like the front brake calipers are newer as they still have stickers on them and the pads are new. So my plan is to clean everything up and repaint everything. Replace the control are ball joints, bushings, hub bearings and have the rotors resurfaced.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]
I also ordered some 6300lbs D rings. I am considering cutting the railing off the sides and using it to make a headache rack.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr[/IMG]