Thread: Is It Just Me..
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Old 02-02-2018, 09:40 AM   #15
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Re: Is It Just Me..

In no way do I doubt the integrity of our truck designs. It is indeed true that that many of them would not be around today had they not been constructed with longevity in mind. And I (by far) prefer my 70 over anything built today.

On more recent vehicles I have struggled to access a single bolt on the back of a head when it would have been a simple matter to put a hole and a plug in the firewall at that particular location for ease of access from under the dash. Had it been my own vehicle, regardless of how infrequently I may have to R&R that bolt in the back of the head, there would be direct access.

Years ago I had to R&R a heater core in my Jeep. I could look under the dash and see the core but to replace it, the dash had to come out. To get the dash out, the steering wheel and air bag had to come out.

There is a sophistication in simplicity. When I design parts for my truck, one of the foremost considerations is access to fasteners and not blocking access to others. Since I'm no vehicle design engineer, I sort of expect those who are to consider such things. The high hump is an example where it looks like they did, but then dropped the ball. I mean, if they felt it prudent to put the access in anyway, why not give and extra 1% and make it directly accessible.

I cut mine yesterday. When I installed it, it was so much quicker and I will be needing access frequently. The cut is barely noticeable but when I'm finished it wont be noticeable at all. I'm not modifying my truck, I'm finishing the engineers job.
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