The fact that this rig was yarded out of a field almost 10 years ago by me and a buddy and we got it running and drove it home an hour and a half. It had been sitting there for 15 years. We took a floor jack, an air pump, battery, 5 gallons of gas, some tools, some extra spark plug wires and a weed eater (to clear out all the grass and brush) and made it happen. There was 2 inches of rat crap on the engine!
Forward... After the first rebuild, I drove it around for a number of years. Then 4 years ago the ol' heap met a ditch and the process started all over again. It's running again and is slowly getting more and more driveable.
It's now lower, meaner, louder, snottier, and really makes people take a second look. Because you hear it before you see it. It sets off car alarms in parking lots as it idles through. It took 4 years to get it back on the road from the wreck. All the work that's been done isn't visible when you first lay eyes on it, and it still look like a beat up old truck. And
THAT is what does it for me.