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Old 02-03-2018, 07:40 AM   #7
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Re: reining in the heat and noise

Originally Posted by dieseldawg142 View Post
and that's your problem right there with p-n-s, it's asphalt based, not butyl. and it's supposed to be used with a special primer. i use it at work, mostly for flashing curbs, upstands, is not designed to take the heat in your truck. stick a thermometer inside your door on a nice day, the temp will be waay past the VOC's limit in it, which is why it melts and falls off. if your in a colder climate (not Arizona or Calf) it can survive longer, which makes people think it will work everywhere. whatever brand you decide to go with, spend the extra $ and get a butyl based product
fatmat does make a butyl version, it's a tad thicker and a touch more expensive, it's what i used in my crew. it will help, but for noise you need insulation of some sort. you want a jute pad at the barest, all kinds of diff insulations for vehicles on the market, there is also mass loaded vinyl (this is what i used) and numerous types of sound deadening sprays
Thank you for the insight dieseldawg142! After your reply I started digging and was surprised at how few control mats were actually butyl...I ended up ordering Fatmat's Mega Mat...

I'll detail the installation on my build thread...
Just a Hillbilly in the Hood
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