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Old 02-03-2018, 11:41 AM   #20
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Re: brake lights and dash lights don't work anymore.

Well I finally had some time to work on this issue and I am glad to say it is fixed now. My guess is that it was a bad fuse. Not the PNL LTS fuse because I had already replaced it. I went one by one with a test light and was touching the top and bottom of each fuse. I noticed that on one of the fuses TAIL STOP I had power on the bottom connector and not the top. The fuse was not popped so I said what the hell and removed it. In doing so the metal cap came off very easy. I was like hum.. that's not good so I replaced it with a new fuse and boom my PNL LTS fuse that wasn't getting any power started to work. I don't know why or if it's supposed to work like this but hey I'll take it. I can now drive my truck again. YES!!! I guess the moral of the story is to check your fuses in detail because even though they don't looked popped they can still be bad. Thank you to everyone who helped me out here.

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