I've been keeping my eye out for one for a couple years now. I just don't see the effort to put in a modern 5 speed. Even if you bought a new GV, I feel like you could recoup at least half the price back later on. Keep the original drive shaft, and pull the GV before you sell the truck and put it on ebay. You can get a lot of your cost back. Or keep it for another vehicle. My truck just runs too damned good with the mostly original equipment. I changed out the axles for the D60 and Corp14 with 4.56. Other than the low gears I love the setup 465 and 205, you can just flat forget about them! Trouble free! And, I really liked the 4.10s with 33s. But I'm to cheep and lazy to change gears. Plus for the price and effort... might as well GV!
GV, not a need to have, but a nice to have! I could go 35s and do a bit better. Or I could just wind it out for a few years, throw a rod and replace the pack for way less than a GV anyway! Plus I know what to expect with a new motor! GV is good on paper for me, because I've never actually owned one... so there's that!