Thread: What is this?
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Old 02-09-2018, 08:03 AM   #5
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Re: What is this?

That's a pigtail for towing

Hey buddy, welcome to the site. I hope you like it. What you will find is we like to keep this site family friendly. It's not that I don't use the word in the content of my posts at times, but I would suggest you not put swear words in your titles for all to see whether they look at your thread or not. I'm no Puritan by any means, but I do respect those who have cleaner standards than myself, and kids. There is a current thread I started wanting verification of a pile I suspected was bear scat. It would haave been perfect to title it, "Who Knows Their ****?", but I cose tto go with "Who Knows Poop?". I admit, I also did that to give a humorous nature to the post...although it is a very scientific matter
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Last edited by LockDoc; 02-09-2018 at 03:46 PM.
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