Thread: Complete LS3
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Old 02-09-2018, 11:15 AM   #6
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Re: Complete LS3

Originally Posted by A1971Blazer View Post
.you could buy a cheap beater to drive while you're engaged in the swap...then sell it afterwards.....
The whole time I was reading this thread, this is waht I was thinking, but you beat me to it! To the OP, a swap can be completed fairly quickly with some practice, but it sounds like your first swap, so it will likley take longer than you think. Add to that, if you get in a hurry, you'll be more inclined to cut corners which will probably decrease its reliability in the long run. Read as much as you want, but real world hands on experience will get you further. Not saying to not plan it out, but do expect the unexpected road blocks. I would get most of the parts you are going to need, then dive in, and if you get stuck, ask for some help, there's a lot of guys on here that are willing to give advice. I have 2 builds in my sig, that you can check out, with the rusty truck being probably the most complete.
My '72 short bed build.

5.3 swap into my RUSTY '71 C10
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