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Old 02-10-2018, 03:56 PM   #2
LH Lead-Foot
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Omaha, NE.
Posts: 214
Re: Van tilt column parts?

There are some part differences from tilt to non-tilt applications. I you have column shift, that also changes things. The bottom end has a lower bearing retainer. It has slots opposite of each other, that angle upward to adjust end play to the plastic bearing race, bearing that pushes upward on a spring. Photos of what you have would help along with column tube diameter and shaft diameter would help. At LMC, they have some parts for the bottom column tube for tilt and non-tilt under the 67-72 pickup catalog on page 144. For the price, one might find a way to start this repair. Saginaw made these steering columns and many parts are interchangeable. But parts for the tilt model with a dash mounted ignition switch as found in Vans & Motor homes is nonexistent online, only to be found in the very expensive after versions for sale. Ididit and others, have managed to produce a copy using overseas parts, that in some cases, the parts do not match OEM models. I would look in small towns salvage yards to find gems in the rough. I found a GM chassis motorhome in a town of less than 50 in Iowa, that had one corner of town, with acres of vehicle in one bone yard. The engine was gone, but the steering column was intact. They say "Even a blind hog will find the corn"
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