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Old 02-17-2018, 05:09 PM   #2
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Re: Questions on Body Dip or Dustless Blasting Cab.

Originally Posted by Trackbar View Post
What is everyone point of view on having my 70 C-10 cab dipped to remove rust or to have it Dustless Blasted? Anyone have these done or any other ideas?
I strongly advise against dipping parts for rust removal. There are those that will argue, I'm sure, but I've seen many a dipped car which later rusted badly where metal seems are, around spot welds, and hidden folds and areas. Just very hard to get all the chemical out of those areas, or so I've been told.

I've always had very good luck with sand or media. I don't particularly like soda, as it's good for paint, not for rust. My preference is for plastic media for general paint and removal, with some "grit" (sand or oxide) for actual rust removal. That way you also don't overheat panels and warp sheet metal. I've seen sand in water, which is very good as well, but tends to be a little more expensive, plus it will flash soon after.

Experts will have differing opinions, just my opinion/experience. Remember, this comment is worth exactly what you are paying for it.

Good Luck!
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