I just put new Precision rubber glue on gaskets on mine, really easy once I read the actual instructions for the 3M Black Super Weatherstrip And Gasket Adhesive. Readily available at parts stores. First did not read the directions and just globbed the stuff on the inside and outside of the cab lip the gasket goes on, followed by clamping the gasket on with cheap plastic clips. What a d**n mess, knew there had to be a better way, so read the directions and did a google search. The trick is to put a small bead of adhesive on the exterior part of the cab lip, and another small bead on the corresponding surface of the gasket, smooth down with a popsicle stick, let dry until tacky and does not stick to your finger when touched. Then apply gasket, sticks right up there, no mess. I did use some masking tape just to make sure it did not sag, but don't think it was necessary. It really was easy when installed that way, just do couple feet or so at a time. I found a video of how to do it, and how NOT to do it online, will try to find it and post it.
Here's the video: