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Old 02-19-2018, 08:48 PM   #8
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Re: 3.08 Ratios in a K/10 Sub

I was going to get a set from Colemans for my dads IH Travelall but the gearing with T98 4 speed trans would not work so good together. Back then the pair was $400 delivered to CA.

GM 10 bolt was used from 79-91 in 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton trucks Some argue the strength vs the D44 but at this point I think its more about affordability and availability of parts. In some areas you cant give 10 bolts away, I recently got a free 3/4 ton 10 bolt thrown in when I bought a 14 bolt for $150.

They bolt in place of any 60-91 4x4 front and is OK for up to 35 inch tires. Not sure what people are doing these days to adapt to early steering box, I think most are upgrading to power steering so you just use the late parts.

If it was stored well its fine for a driver, hard core wheeling it needs some upgrades
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