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Old 02-20-2018, 03:47 PM   #1
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64-66 chevy truck one piece glass instructions

I'm posting instruction on 1964-1966 chevy truck one piece glass instructions. These are some I found on the web and pictures of my build. Hope this helps! There is a lot of info and pictures. All I can say to help is to be patient during the build don't ever give up.
1964-1966 Chevy truck one-piece window glass

I ordered the one from No Limit Eng. It was very complete. Glass, channel felts, brackets and most importantly, window stabilizers. I will explain their function. I did have to purchase window inner and outer felt fuzzies/rubber. Our doors (64-66) angle in at the top at the front and at the back, with the wing vent in place. When you roll it up and down the front of the glass stays seated in the front channel attached to the old wing vent. When you go to one-piece glass, as soon as you roll the window down just an inch or so the glass is just barely riding in the channels. Without stabilizers the glass would just flop around in the channel. They weld on to the bottom of the receptacle that holds the door glass and extend below it and into the channels up against the felt. With these in place the window is very stable. See pictures below....

As far as the install, it was a pretty tough mod. Once you get the wing vent out. You cut the channel off at the bottom of the vent or you can remove the rivets and have to total length of the channel. You would cut it to fit at a later time. Now in order to get at the inside of the door you have to cut an access hole. I cut mine out with a plasma cutter, nice and clean then welded tabs with nuts on it so I could re-install it. (See photo) You must then gut the inside front area of the door so that the channel you cut, has a path directly below what is now the front channel in the door. There is a lot of measuring, fitting and refitting. Once you get the stabilizers welded on, and the glass mounted in the frame. You think, "That is never going fit in the door" and it just barely does.
I also used the power window kit that No Limit recommends. To me it was worth the struggle to do the Mod. I think it looks clean.

Here is the site that no longer exists.

Just a side note: I don't work for "No Limit Eng"But I do like this kit!

Here is the No Limit instructions which is kit is not available, but here is a the parts list that could be purchased individually.
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Last edited by 1966chevy; 02-20-2018 at 04:39 PM.
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