Thread: Fuel tube
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Old 02-20-2018, 08:29 PM   #4
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Re: Fuel tube

I dont know why you'd want to. You have the main vent line that runs down with the fuel neck...

But you also have two vent lines that run from the gas tank to the vapor tube, one on each side of the gas tank. This is so that when the fuel sloshes back and forth you always have venting on one side or the other. The third line on the vapor tube, the one in the middle, runs to the charcoal canister under the hood.

At the canister you have three lines. They are all marked on the canister. One leads back to the vapor tube. Another line from the canister is spliced into the PCV line to the carburetor. The last line is a vacuum line that should be hooked up to ported vacuum on the carb.

When you run the engine off idle, the ported vacuum opens a valve on the canister and the engine consumes the gas tank vapors via the PCV line. At idle, the vapors vent out through the canister.

Here's a pic from the factory assembly manual of the gas tank and vapor tube lines:
Name:  Assembly-1.jpg
Views: 616
Size:  67.5 KB

This is basically a closed system and if you remove the lines as you'll get a gas smell, higher evaporation rates, and maybe a fuel leak depending on how you plug the holes.
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