Thread: 53 years young
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Old 02-27-2018, 08:48 PM   #24
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Re: 53 years young

Originally Posted by '65fleetSide View Post
This maybe a dumb question but does the oil pressure always drop between startups? While trying to start it the oil pressure slowly goes up but then when I turn it off and go to turn it back on right after, the pressure has gone back to 0. *I have yet to get it started, I have to rebuild the carb but then all should be good to go*

If I understand your question, yes the oil pressure should creep up with the starter spinning the engine, then go to 0 slowly after you stop cranking.

It's a GOOD thing the oil pressure gauge moves at cranking RPM.

Does it try to run and backfire/sputter or does it just crank with no try at all?
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