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Old 04-29-2004, 10:09 AM   #9
It's a catastrophic success.
sneakysnake's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Oklahoma
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You need to buy you a volt/ohm meter or at least a test light.
I cant find my wiring schematic at the moment but ,
(brown) should be tail lights and tag, green and yellow will be stop and signal, you have a pedal switch for the brake but it has to run though the signal switch in the column, if your blinker is on it over rides the brake switch and will blink, for trouble shooting turn on your parks and your hazzards on and get out your tester, start at the lights themselves a constant 12v will be park and intermitting will be the blinkers, trace your wires till you have power if you dont get anything by the time you get to the firewall
and you have power at the fuses then the column switch would be where I would look( dont forget to check you haz flasher and blinker flasher on fuse box, and the tail lights/dash are on a seperate circuit that the brake/sig.
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