Thread: Speedway tax
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Old 02-27-2018, 11:30 PM   #13
Mack B
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Re: Speedway tax

Originally Posted by James903 View Post
I looked into it a bit more and I’m going to pay it. Its a new law Colorado passed to create more revenue. From what I read it has been trying to pass since 2010 but kept getting shut down and it finally approved mid July 2017. Speedway did what they were supposed to do as far as sending the letter, now I’ve got to do my part and pay up. Hopefully speedway starts including the state tax soon just to make it hassle free and easy. Thanks for all the input
I don’t think they can collect the tax up front because of being in a different state. Every year my accountant asks if I made any online purchases I need to pay sales tax on, and I always reply honestly and say I’ve never even been on the internet . Levity. I know that ride is coming to an end.
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