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Old 03-10-2018, 09:55 PM   #9
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Posts: 366
Re: Manual 465 to 90v20 Burb q's

Well my bud decided to stick with the manual setup. Potentially down the road, he is considering the Novak hydro retrofit.

He dropped it off a few days ago and since the weather is shot and we are still amassing parts. I most likely won't start for a few more weeks. This will give me the time to get some needed parts ready.

So, what I have.
465/205 10 spline input, twin stick rails, 30 spline front output.
Pedal assembly with z bar and brackets.

What I need to get for the swap
465/205 bolt in floor hump(optional & needs to be cut out)$80
Clutch kit #04-902
Flywheel for the newer crankshaft #lwf201
Starter. #Ns3838
Vss conversion for the 205 output. Behemouth Drivetrain $300

Driveshafts. $800-1000

Now there has been some discussion on weather or not he wants me to just leave the column in park and not wire in a clutch start switch.

He wants to just leave it, but he has little boys... I think I am just going to wire in the pedal switch. I would hate to hear about it later and someone got hurt.

Pretty nice looking truck, I actually had the opportunity to get this burb before my bud got it. It was for sale for $400 with no moving gears. He put a vacuum modulator on it and got forward gears only.
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