Few updates.
My original ps pump was puking fluid so I went about replacing it. I ordered one for a 67-69 396ci which was what this engine was originally. The pump from summit looked correct. It was a rebuilt ac delco unit. When it arrived it had the wrong "squarish" reservoir with the wrong shaft as well. I tried to install it before I realized the shaft was too small.
I searched and search and finally found a pump from 75-80 454ci that was a press on shaft like I needed. So for $26 I swapped my reservoir over and got it reinstalled after painting it, etc.
I finished up the vacuum lines for the hvac system in the engine compartment. I had ordered a canister to mount on the firewall and a check valve for the supply line. I also had to swap out the intake fitting so I could hook a vacuum line and the brake booster line.
I've been working on getting the wipers and washer pump functioning. I ordered a used delay module and got it wired up. My wiper motor was working but the delay still didn't function. Nor did the washer pump run. I did a resistance check and the switch was working fine and I tried a second delay module and it still didn't work. So I decided to swap motors.
And that solved all my problems!

So I went about painting the new unit and getting a new gasket for it where it meets the cab.
Since I have a later model cab on an earlier model truck I had to modify the wiper linkage to mount to the truck. 1 hole lines up and one doesn't. So i made a template to mark the correct location for my new hole. Then bolted everything together. Works great.
I installed the fresh air flap and actuator I painted recently. I dont know what happened to my original one from this truck so I stole it from my parts truck. These things are difficult to install without breaking it.
I checked my original blower motor and it seems to spin up nicely and strong so I went ahead and painted it to reinstall. I bolt it down today with the power wire and ground. I realized I dont have a resister so Ill get that on order. I also dont have a dryer or switch yet so I need to order that stuff.
I got to looking over the cluster I had planned to use on this built. It was a tach cluster with mechanical oil pressure guage that I had picked up long ago on eBay. What I didnt' realize is that it was an "amp" cluster. I wasn't aware until recently that these dont interchange. :sigh: So I bit the bullet and ordered a dakota digital cluster. Im looking forward to have working gauges but not wanting to rewire the whole engine harness again for the new oil pressure and coolant pressure guages, etc, etc. oh well.
I worked on fitting the rear bumper today and found out the brackets I got for my 73-80 bumper were actually 81-87 brackets and they dont fit. ugh. Wasn't my mistake so Ill get them swapped out this week.
Yesterday I fired the truck up and realized I have a huge leak from somewhere that was leaking down onto the crossmember. Took me quite a while to realize it was from the fuel pump. My diaphragm must be bad. Im worried its leaking fuel into the oil as well. So Im replacing the fuel pump and changing the oil.
I did get the timing set. At least for now. My total timing is set at about 32 degrees at 3k rpm or so. I have an 18* bushing so I should have another 2 degrees because my static timing is about 16 degrees at idle. I may switch the bushing out in the distributor so I can get a little more total timing and not have the static timing be quite as high.
ugh. alright enough for tonight. Thanks for following along.