Originally Posted by HO455
In this application no. The heavy hauling/towing the OP is looking to do is where the 400's reputation as a weak engine started. Any degradation of a normally adequate cooling system and those engines will overheat, usually fatally.
In '71, GM started putting
two-row radiators in cars equipped with SBC 400s. I kid you not. I've seen them come in on a string with
blue torque converters. This is where that reputation started. Chevy ate a ton on those engines because of that engineering debacle, and retrofitted a lot of bigger radiators in those cars. Once the spanking was complete, GM went back to a decent radiator. My dad's '75 Caprice convertible equipped with a 400 CI SBC and AC had no troubles whatsoever in southern California. It had a 4-row radiator.