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Old 03-15-2018, 12:38 AM   #2
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Re: Opinions on heat sink trans and engine coolers

in the world of heat transfer, conduction ( by contact) > convection ( by airflow) and convection is purely a game of surface area. tiny heat sinks fit lots of places but dont have a lot of surface area, in contact with fluid or in fins. convection is limited by ambient temp and humidity too for heat rejection.

stacked plate style coolers have at least 10x the surface area and that is why they are much more efficient than sink or fin type. coolers in the rad are 10x more efficient than that, which is why they are run like that, and in the rad they deal with the constant temperature of the coolant (conduction) and the HUGE convection potential of the rad. trans damage is exponential as temps go over a certain point, I think I remember it as 325 degrees.

does that mean the sink type are bad? no. any cooler is better than no cooler. I would be interested to know what the effect of the OD is on the trans? does the OD make the trans run hotter (from load) or cooler (from slower rpm) if you are set on using a sink, make sure its in the wind as much as possible.
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