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Old 03-15-2018, 03:19 PM   #6
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Re: What wires can be removed after LS swap?

Originally Posted by davepl View Post
I'd look at a new M&H harness perhaps!

If I recall you basically need half. The one half is the forward lamp harness, and most all of it will be unchanged. The other half is the engine harness, and most of it will go.

You'll retain:

- Coolant gauge wire
- Solenoid (Crank) purple wire
- Ignition (12V) hot with no resistor wire

That's about it, so about three of that one side of the harness remain.
I will be replacing the harness also. I’ll have someone redo it since i have no experience with wiring.

Your saying I can remove that black with white stripe wire from the red hot? Do I
Terminate it at the plug and where it spliced into the red wire?

Also the red (hot) wire, one goes to the battery and the other goes to the external voltag regulator. What do I do about the one that goes to the regulator?
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