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Old 03-16-2018, 09:17 PM   #2
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Re: 4.5 in. drop w/ 15 in wheels

Yes, there is. I can only speak for myself. I encountered this problem using the 3 inch belltech drop spindles with the 15 inch rally wheels. The bottom, outer edge, of the lower control arm will need grinding. This area is directly under the ball joint. If you use larger diameter wheel this won't be an issue. Possibly if you purchase aftermarket lower control arms this may not be an issue. I'm interested to see if you use a 2.5 inch spindle and use a different lowering spring to gain the desired drop you want, how would that work out. As always I wanted the most drop, that's why I used 3 inch lowering spindle. This time I may start with the 2.5 drop spindle and use a 3 inch lowering spring. It's all about numbers. Good luck.
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