Originally Posted by RichardJ
Old grumpy, I'm not going to say that isn't the factory bracket, but if it is, you're missing 2/3s of it. There is a brace that goes down to the front corner of the block, next to the cam gear cover. There is another brace that extend back to the motor mount. Those braces would be 250 0r 292 specific.
How many bolts hold that part of the bracket to the head?
I used to have one around here somewhere. It was simply too MASSIVE and only fit tha big A6 compressor. I've seen another factory bracket that fits the R4 compressor used in the 80s, and bolted to the 4.1 Pulsair integrated head. It was MASSIVE as well.
No , Sorry , That's the complete bracket I pulled myself from an intact L6 engine , The stock MASSIVE A6 compressor was also in place when I pulled it . It's held in place with 4 -3/8ths bolts to the head .
Here is a thread with pictures/part #'s on them NOS sold in 2008 for $250