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Old 04-30-2004, 12:12 PM   #1
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battery drain electrical problem

After not being able to remove my upside down steering wheel,I had my mechanic pull my steering wheel off and turn it right side up, after he did this I was gettin a weird buzz from the horn cap area. I do not have a horn on this truck.
I only drive this truck on Fridays and weekends and last Friday after it had sat all week I jumped in the rig to head to work and had a completely dead battery, no lights, no trying to turn over, no nothing. I replaced the battery and she fired right up. I drove the truck all weekend and this Friday after sitting all week dead battery again. Is it possible there is a horn wire that could be live that would account for the weird noise and the battery drain? I don't know anything about the electrical system. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Scott.
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