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Old 03-19-2018, 11:04 PM   #1
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Inline 6 and 3 Speed Trans

I have a 250 straight 6 that came in my 68 gmc along with the factory 3 speed trans. I am converting to a small block with a 700r4 so I am ready to sell all of the extra parts that I won’t be needing. I would prefer to keep the trans as a separate item and the straight 6 as a complete item. If I don’t get any hits I will consider parting out. I will also have the shift linkage, steering column, etc that I won’t be using. The motor runs, I’ve had it running but it needs some tuning. Truck is believed to have 105k miles so it’s not completely hammered. PayPal is preferred, buyer covers the fees. First one to say “I’ll take it” gets it.

Asking $200 for the motor, $150 for the trans, or $300 for the combo. If you have any interest in other parts post below and I will get pics and a price
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Last edited by Graham57a; 09-05-2018 at 09:03 PM.
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