Thread: cfm quadrajet?
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Old 03-21-2018, 11:49 PM   #11
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Re: cfm quadrajet?

Originally Posted by mike16 View Post
Cliff did not write "the book". Doug Roe wrote "the book" back in '81. and it has gone through several editions. Doug Roe's book, "used", sells for more than Wiggles does new. Roe's book covers an enourmous amount on the Q-Jets including alot more on mods than wiggle's does and he research it himself. If your going to build a Q-Jet Roe's book is still hands down the best origonal source. I bought a new copy of wiggles book for less than 8 dollars while Roe's book, 35 years later sells for about 20 dollars. It is truly the diffinitive source.
The price of a book means little for the value received. I've bought many new books for less than used books, on Amazon. Can you point me to a failure on the part of either author on making a recommendation of carburetor work? Have you made a "better mileage or best of drags ever with a Q-Jet" comparison? Please let me know.

'70 Chevy 3/4T Longhorn CST 402/400/3.56 Custom Camper

Simi Valley, CA
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