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Old 03-23-2018, 08:56 AM   #10
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Re: Previous Government Truck

Originally Posted by Dead Parrot View Post
The NSN is govt speak for what private companies call a SKU or product code. The registration number is how to track the history. There is a site called Steel Soldiers that is to former military vehicles as this one is to GM vehicles. It sometimes has a thread where you can enter information you have and someone will attempt to find history on it. As others have said, sometime records disappear and the responses depend on someone having time and access to the records.

Might look under the seat, sometimes paperwork gets stuffed there or lost under there.

Look for faded letters and numbers on the sides and bumpers.
Yeah I know about Steel Soldiers. I appreciate the reminder. I thought that was mainly about Army vehicles because that was all I ever remember seeing on there. I'll give that a shot. Looking under the seat is a no go I'm pretty sure. Floors have been patched with road signs all the way across and the seat looks like it came out of bus. But I'll look just to make sure.

Last edited by 69BlazBlaz; 03-23-2018 at 09:05 AM.
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