Thread: cfm quadrajet?
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Old 03-23-2018, 03:06 PM   #17
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Re: cfm quadrajet?

Originally Posted by brown7373 View Post
I have both books and use them both. As truckster mentioned, you can call and talk with Cliff. You can discuss anything and everything about your carb issues or questions. And, he can supply complete quality parts and rebuild kits, which run circles around generic parts store kits. Do they cost more? Yep, but I have found they are WELL WORTH IT!
I have both books as well. There are some things in both books that are not in the other, so they both have value, IMO.

I can't say which guy is the best, but I can say if you go to any BOP event that has drag racing it's amazing to see how fast some of the cars are with Cliff's Q-jets.
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