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Old 03-24-2018, 11:39 PM   #3
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Re: Numbers on firewall?

There was a long post on this subject last year. Some plants used more crayon marks than others. If there were any marks on my '68 Fremont-built C/10 stepside when I bought it in 1973, I probably went after them with rubbing compound and fresh Turtlewax. ''Damn graffitti, Grrr @#^&*%$, Out damn spot!''
Now, they're revered as some sort of provenance of originality. Fifty thousand dollar Barrett-Jackson trucks have unusually prominent firewall crayon scribbles -- no doubt a testiment as to the mint originality of the truck offered.
I don't want to name anybody specifically, as making fake firewall markings, but LMC will sell you the same kind of big crayons that the factory used.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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