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Old 03-26-2018, 01:27 AM   #13
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Re: Throttle problem

Originally Posted by dayj1 View Post
I'm with ls1nova71 (and your harness builder) in that you have mismatched parts. As long as you end up with a matched set of PCM/harness/TB/TAC/pedal you can get a working setup.

I'm speaking under the assumption that you would like to keep your PCM/harness as you've already spent time/money on those and a different (blue/green) PCM won't just "plug in". With that in mind, if you have an all plastic pedal, it's at least a 2006 model pedal and NOT compatible with the early DBW. If your TB only has a single 8 pin connection, then it's 2003 to early '07 and also not compatible with the early DBW. The correct TB for your ECM has two connectors (one for TPS and one for the throttle blade motor). If your TAC has the aluminum bracket (as opposed to all plastic), it is also not compatible with the early DBW setup.

Here's a link with some pics of the different components.
This pretty much sums it up. So basically what it appears you have is a 99-02 PCM, 03-05 or 06-07 TAC and a 2006 pedal. That is a really messed up set up. You need to pst up what part number is on your TAC, its printed on it with a barcode. That way we will know if your pedal will work. If it will, you should only need a new PCM.
My '72 short bed build.

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